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This Agreement to Keep Information Confidential is made and entered into by and between you, the discloser of an invention idea (“Inventor”) and MakInn, a dutch company together with its advisers and affiliates, (“Reviewer”).

1. Inventor has developed and owns all rights to an idea (“Product”) and wishes to disclose the Product to Reviewer for evaluation of a possible business relationship (“Disclosure”). Both Inventor and Reviewer want the Disclosure to remain confidential and proprietary to Inventor as described in this Agreement.

2. Reviewer will hold in confidence all information relating to the Product that Inventor discloses to Reviewer hereafter and shall not directly or indirectly disclose to others such information. Reviewer will protect the Disclosure as carefully as it protects its own trade secret information. To avoid misunderstanding, all Disclosure information shall be written (either by text or graphic) or tangible; orally transmitted information is not included by this Agreement. Inventor will make clear and keep a record of what information Inventor has disclosed to Reviewer.

3. Inventor retains all rights to the Product and Disclosure.

4. This Agreement does not apply to any information that was already known by Reviewer at the time of Disclosure or was publicly available at the time of Disclosure. This Agreement will cease to apply if a) Disclosed information becomes publicly available through no fault of Reviewer, b) is publicly disclosed by Inventor, c) is independently disclosed to Reviewer by an unrelated third party, or d) three years from the date of entering into this Agreement.

5. Both Inventor and Reviewer agree that this Agreement does not give either of them any rights to information or property owned by the other. Improvements or modifications to the Disclosure shall be protected under this Agreement when Disclosed as described in section 2.

6. This Confidentiality Agreement may change in the future. In such event, the version of Agreement in place at the time of your submission and Disclosure shall remain in effect.

7. These Terms of Use are governed by Dutch law. The contract between "Inventor" and "Reviewer" is formed in the Netherlands.

By clicking on "submit" Or  "Say hello!"I understand that I am entering into a legally binding Agreement with MakInn to protect the confidentiality of my Product idea for review. I have been encouraged to consult with advisors of my choice before entering into this Agreement.


Agreed, "Reviewer" MakInn, Netherlands.

Agreed, "Inventor" discloser of an invention idea

Drawn up on 15 February 2019.

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